Perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in entrepreneurship, but are not quite ready to start their business now. Get started at your own pace with our private online start up business community that prepares you for the in's and out's of entrepreneurship before you take that big leap.
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Welcome To Your
Entrepreneurial Growth Family!
B. The Tribe
15$Every monthStart Up Business Support 30 day free trial- Topic of the Month entrepreneurial templates and challenges
- Digital forum to connect you with other new entrepreneurs
- Monthly LIVE sessions and Q&A with Brandi Fox, CEO of BTE
- 50% off all digital products (excluding BTE Academy)
- 25% off all one-on-one consultations
Employee 2 Entrepreneur Certification
200$Every monthHelping dualpreneurs transition into full time entrepreneurshipValid for 12 months- 12 Month Online Course
- Affordable Payment Options
- Bi-Weekly Group Zoom Calls
- E2E Online Group Network
- Monthly Expert Trainings
- Proven Results
- Learn at Your Own Pace
- Post Graduate Resources for Success
Triber's HUB
The CORE of B. The Tribe where you will find our Topics of the Month, Tribers Task of the Month, Monday Motivation, and LIVE w/B Sessions links in Group Me.
Topic of the Month
Strategic entrepreneur topics that provide solutions to the top barriers of new and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Tribers Task of the Month
A monthly business task that directly corresponds with the Topic of the Month. This normally includes the completion of business templates or mini start up business assignments that cover a specific area of business that help you grow your business.
Monday Motivation
Say good-bye to Moping Mondays. B. The Tribe is providing weekly entrepreneurial motivation to make sure that you are ready to conquer your week!
LIVE w/ Brandi
Every 3rd Tuesday from 7:30pm-8:30pm, B. The Tribe will host a LIVE engagement session with
B. The Entrepreneur Founder Brandi Fox to discuss the Topic of the Month, provide an open Q&A session, and giveaways for free consultation and digital products.
The Tribers Group
The Tribers Group is B. The Tribe's new and aspiring entrepreneur online community via GroupMe. Imagine a "Facebook" like app just for entrepreneurs like you. No selling, no promotions, just an easy going platform where we can share our wins and frustrations on this ever changing journey of entrepreneurship